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日期:2019/11/22 11:20:35 來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng ) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:

 Learn new words and phrases

  1. revolve: v 旋轉,常見(jiàn)搭配關(guān)系為:revolve around sb/sth圍繞…轉。

  She spends all of her time revolving around her family.

  The earth revolves around the sun.

  2. solar: a 太陽(yáng)的,日光的

  solar energy太陽(yáng)能;solar system太陽(yáng)系;solar month陽(yáng)歷月

  3. concerned: a 有關(guān)的、擔心的

  Her job is something concerned with computer.

  He is concerned about the result of the exam.

  4. colored: a 有色的,對比;colorful: a 豐富多彩的

  I like orange-colored coat.

  Everybody likes colorful life.

  5. religion: n 宗教,religious: a 虔誠的;

  請對比:region: n 地區;regional: a 地區的

  6. circumstance: n 情況、境遇;

  Under no circumstances can we waste time.

  7. a great many = a number of = many很多,修飾復數名詞。而a great deal of + u.n

  A great many students are absent today.

  I have wasted a great deal of time.

  8. above all: 首先、首要

  After the war, he longed above all to see his wife and family.

  9. as a rule: 通常、一般而言

  As a rule, I only watch sports news.

  Learn new words and phrases

  1. weaken: v 削弱、減弱,字根:weak: a 虛弱的

  構詞形式:adj/n + enen + adj/n = v

  Shorten, enlarge, enable, enrich, loosen, tighten etc.

  2. nationwide: a 全國范圍的,通過(guò)該詞我們可以得到:worldwide:全世界范圍的,region wide, etc.

  3.legal: a 合法的,反義詞:illegal,不合法的;legalize: v 使…合法化。

  The Netherlands became the first country to legalize euthanasia.

  4. ensure: v 確保、擔保,常見(jiàn)用法如下:

  1). The police can ensure the witness from danger.

  2). We can ensure that the work will be done in the right way.

  5. oppose: v 反對、對抗;名詞:opposition , 形容詞:opposed

  1). What he said was totally opposed to the facts.

  2). Many people oppose building a new highway because of the great cost.

  6. tradition: n 傳統,由此可以聯(lián)想到:

  traditional: a; traditionally: ad; 反義詞為:modern

  1). _____ Chinese medicine is believed to be effective for many diseases.

  2). It's important to keep up the fine ____ of plain living and hard work.

  3). Christmas is ____ a holiday for a family to get together.

  Answers: Traditional, tradition, traditionally

  7. consideration: n 考慮、體諒、照顧,由此可以聯(lián)想到:

  Consider: v 考慮;considerate: a 體諒的,be considerate of; considerable: a 相當多的。請練習一下:

  1). Losing 30 pounds changed her appearance _____.

  2). It is very ____ of you to send me a birthday card.

  3). The matter is receiving the serious ____ of the manager.

  4). He left behind him a ____ amount of debt.

  Answers: considerably, considerate, consideration, considerable

  8. disabled: a 殘疾的,傷殘的,由此可以聯(lián)想到:

  able: a 有能力的;be able to do sth; unable: a 沒(méi)有能力的;enable: v 使人能夠enable sb to do sth; ability: n 能力;disable: v 使人殘疾

  1). As long as they are physically ____, they tend to live on their own.

  2). The _____ to be clearly heard is extremely important for any speaker.

  3). I'd like to go to the cinema, but I'm _____ to.

  4). Education should ____ every student to develop morally, intellectually and physically.

  5). A car accident ____ him from playing football.

  6). Special care should be given to the ______.

  Answers: able, ability, unable, enable, disabled(v), disabled(a)


 9. prohibition: n 禁止、禁令,prohibit: v prohibit sb from doing sth;

  10. sensitive: a 敏感的, be sensitive to sb/sth; 同根詞:sensible: a 明智的,be sensible of sth

  1). I am sensitive to your criticism.

  2). It's sensible of you to make such a decision

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