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網(wǎng)絡(luò )教育英語(yǔ)統考作文復習資料

日期:2013/1/7 15:54:32 來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng ) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:

網(wǎng)絡(luò )教育英語(yǔ)統考作文復習資料如下:


1.       The Difficulties in Studying English 學(xué)習英語(yǔ)的困難

Among all courses, English is the most difficult one for me. 在所有的功課中,我英語(yǔ)學(xué)的最差。It is because that I don’t need to use English in my work. 因為我在工作中不需要用到英語(yǔ)。Therefore I have forgotten most of what I have learnt before.因此,我幾乎已將我以前學(xué)過(guò)的知識全忘了。 For me, firstly, I have to enlarge my vocabulary. 就我而言,首先,我得擴大詞匯量。Too many new words block my understanding of a passage.  生詞太多會(huì )干擾我理解文章。The words I learnt yesterday become new words to me again today. 昨天才學(xué)過(guò)的單詞今天又變成了新詞。It makes me upset. 這讓我很生氣。 Secondly, it’s hard for me to express my idea in English.其次,我很難用英語(yǔ)表達自己的想法。 I can only speak out some single words. 我只能說(shuō)一些不成句子的單詞。And what I said or written are not idiomatic. 并且我使用英語(yǔ)時(shí)的口頭語(yǔ)和書(shū)面語(yǔ)都不夠通順。

 But passing English test is a must to get my degree. 但是我必須通過(guò)英語(yǔ)考試才能拿到學(xué)位。So I believe my practice can improve my English.因此我相信實(shí)踐能提高我的英語(yǔ)水平。


2.My Study Plan(我的學(xué)習計劃)

Usually, a good and practical plan can help us to achieve our goals step by step. 通常,一份好的可行的計劃可以讓我們一步一步的實(shí)現目標.Therefore, at the beginning of every term, I always make a plan for my study. 因此,每學(xué)期開(kāi)始,我都制定一份學(xué)習計劃。First, I write down what subject I need to learn and which level I should get at the end of the term . 首先,我寫(xiě)下我要學(xué)的科目和學(xué)期結束后要達到的水平。Second, I usually look for reference books that can help my study. 第二步,我找一些能有益學(xué)習的參考書(shū)。Third, I make some details about what I should learn every week. 第三步,我每周都制定具體的學(xué)習計劃。The last and most important is that if I fail to do according to the plan, I make up for it next week.最后也是很重要的是,如果我沒(méi)能按照計劃執行,下周一定補上。 I know that plan is nothing if it isn’t followed. 我知道如果計劃不執行的話(huà),就什么用也沒(méi)有。



3.       The One I love Most我最?lèi)?ài)的人

My father is the one I love most, which is a definite answer for me.我的父親是我最?lèi)?ài)的人,答案是毋庸置疑的。
In my eyes, he is the best man in the world.
在我眼中,他是世界上最慷慨的人。 Although he is not handsome, he is quite attractive because of his wisdom and humor. 雖然他相貌不出眾,但他卻是一位很有魅力的男人,這是因為他見(jiàn)識廣博并且富有幽默感。Whenever we have troubles, we can turn to him for help.無(wú)論何時(shí)我們遇到困難,我們都會(huì )向他求助。 My father also has a wide range of interests, such as reading, playing tennis and cooking. 父親的興趣非常廣泛,比如閱讀,打網(wǎng)球還有烹調。His love for cooking makes him quite popular among relatives.他交友廣泛,這得益于他對烹調的熱愛(ài)。

     Now I have a boyfriend, but I find that I still love my father most. 現在我有了男朋友,但是我發(fā)現我最?lèi)?ài)的人還是我的父親。I always ask my boyfriend to learn from my father to be a real man. 我總對我的男朋友講要成為父親那樣一位真正的男子漢。


4.A Good Teacher to Remember 一位值得記住的老師


 When I know from newspaper that Mr. Sunxin is elected as one of the most popular teacher in our city, I feel so proud of him.當我從報上得知孫新先生被選為我們市最受歡迎的教師時(shí),我非常地為他感到自豪。

I still remember the old school days with him. 我仍然記得過(guò)去的校園時(shí)光。When I was in Grade2, he just graduated from university and taught us English.我上大二的時(shí)候,他剛大學(xué)畢業(yè)來(lái)教我們英語(yǔ)。His fluent English and interesting teaching methods immediately attracted us. 他流利的口語(yǔ)和有趣的教學(xué)方法立即吸引了我們。In his class, we were free to speak out what we wanted to say. 上他課的時(shí)候,我們可以想說(shuō)什么就說(shuō)什么。And we played English games, sang English songs and performed English plays. 并且我們一起做英語(yǔ)游戲,唱英文歌曲,還表演英語(yǔ)話(huà)劇。Studying English wasn’t a headache anymore.英語(yǔ)不再讓我頭疼。It became a fun! 學(xué)習有了樂(lè )趣! In our eyes, he was more an old brother than a teacher, so we called him “Brother Sun.”在我眼中,他是哥哥而不是老師,因此我們稱(chēng)呼他為“太陽(yáng)哥哥!

 He is a teacher I always remember.這就是我常常想起的老師。



5. My hobby (我的愛(ài)好)

Everyone has his or her hobbies.每個(gè)人都有自己的愛(ài)好。 Good hobbies not only bring fun to us, but also enrich our lives.好的愛(ài)好不僅能給我們帶來(lái)樂(lè )趣,還能豐富人生 What is my hobby?我的愛(ài)好是什么? My hobby is reading.是閱讀 When I am free, I always read magazines or books at home.當我有空的時(shí)候,我總是在家看雜志或書(shū)籍.  Reading gives me a lot of knowledge as well as fun. 閱讀不僅讓我覺(jué)得好玩,而且還能增加知識。From reading, I learn how to process information, how to express myself and how to communicate with others.從閱讀中,我知道如何處理信息,如何表達自己,如何跟他人交流。 I “travel” to many beautiful countries and visit many famous people in the books從閱讀中,我可以到很多地方旅行,拜訪(fǎng)很多名人 Nowadays, I have easy access to books because of internet.現在由于有了互聯(lián)網(wǎng),我更能容易的看到很多書(shū)。 Whenever I feel bad, I can turn to reading for help.任何時(shí)候我感覺(jué)不好的時(shí)候,我就去閱讀。 Reading will be my hobby for ever.閱讀將是我永遠的愛(ài)好


6.My Favorite Sport ( 也可以用在favorite pastime activity ) 我最喜歡的運動(dòng)

My favorite sport is basketball.我最喜歡的運動(dòng)是籃球。I have been crazy about those basketball games ever since I was little. 還很小的時(shí)候起,我就非常喜歡看別人打籃球。
    Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump, switch, and try to hit!
打籃球要求運動(dòng)員速度快,個(gè)子高并具備一定的籃球技術(shù)。All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. 我身體的各個(gè)部分在這項運動(dòng)中都得到了鍛煉。Basketball also needs quick reaction and decision.打籃球也需要有快速的反應和果斷的決策能力。 I should keep an eye watching as an eagle, decide and judge quickly as a leopard, and run for it as a wolf. 打籃球時(shí),我會(huì )像捕食的鷹那樣密切注意場(chǎng)上的形勢,像豹子那樣敏捷地對形勢作出決定和判斷。Further more, basketball is a team work. 此外,打籃球還需要良好的團隊合作精神。So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. 因此在籃球中我學(xué)會(huì )了如何與人合作。I played basketball more for about 5 years now. 到現在我已經(jīng)打籃球已經(jīng)5年多了。 I make many good friends from playing it.籃球讓我結識了很多好朋友。

Basketball will be my best friend in the future and my best memory about school life. 籃球會(huì )成為我最好的朋友,打籃球也會(huì )成為我校園生活最美好的回憶。



 7. My Ideal Job (我最理想的工作)  也可改編為 My Dream我的夢(mèng)想

   My ideal job (我的理想的工作) 或者The job I like

  There are various kinds of jobs in the world,世界上有不同的工作 but different people are attracted to different jobs because they have their priorities. 不同的人會(huì )被不同的工作吸引,因為他們有自己各自的優(yōu)先考慮的東西。But generally speaking, an ideal job should not only offer much money but enrich and enhance life.  不過(guò)一般來(lái)講,一份理想的工作應該不僅能夠賺很多錢(qián),而且還能豐富提高人生。

For me, my ideal job is to be a successful businessman. 對我來(lái)說(shuō),最理想的工作是做一個(gè)成功的生意人。I like free life 我喜歡自由的生活, so that I don’t want to work for others and follow others’ orders因此我不想為別人工作,聽(tīng)從別人的命令. Being a businessman, I can arrange my own schedule. 我可以安排自己的工作。And I like to meet different people and face different challenges. 我喜歡遇見(jiàn)不同的人,接受不同的挑戰。I also know being a successful businessman is not easy.  我也知道,想生意做得好也不容易。It needs  sharp sense of market and full energy as well as professional knowledge.要求有專(zhuān)業(yè)知識,敏銳的市場(chǎng)意識和充沛的精力。 But interest is the best guide and I believe my dream will come true someday. 不過(guò)興趣是最好的導師,我相信我總有一天實(shí)現我的夢(mèng)想。



8.My Plan for the Spring Festival 我春節的計劃

 The Spring Festival is the most important holiday for our Chinese people because it is a holiday of family reunion. 春節是中國人最重要的節日,因為一家人會(huì )在這個(gè)節日團聚。So as usual, I need to pay a visit to my hometown—Jiang Shu, visiting my parents and relatives. 因此和以前一樣,我要回一趟老家——江蘇,看望我的雙親和親戚們。We usually have fancy dinners together.  我們通常是一起享受豐盛的晚餐。But I plan to stay with them for only 3days. 但我計劃只和他們一起待3天。So I book flight ticket rather than train ticket to save time on traffic.因此,我只訂了飛機票而沒(méi)訂火車(chē)票,是為了節省交通時(shí)間,。On the 4th day, I need to come back to Wuhan to attend an English course for TOFEL test. 我準備4號這天回武漢參加托福英語(yǔ)考試的培訓課。It’s because that I’ll work abroad but my English is not good enough. 因為我馬上要去國外工作,而我的英語(yǔ)水平還要提高。So I need to make full use of the holiday to improve my English. 因此我得充分利用假期提高我的英語(yǔ)水平。


9  My Traveling Plan旅游計劃的安排

你的外國朋友給你寫(xiě)信,打算到中國旅游, 你給你朋友寫(xiě)回信,提出旅游建議:


1. 接到朋友的來(lái)信

2. 你對旅游計劃的安排和建議


Dear John, 親愛(ài)的約翰,

I am so glad to receive your letter. 很高興收到你的來(lái)信。In your last letter, you mentioned that you are planning a journey to China.在你的上一封來(lái)信中,你提到計劃來(lái)中國旅行。 I am excited about your arrival. 對于你的即將到訪(fǎng)我十分激動(dòng)。I miss you so much. 我非常地想念你。There are so many fantastic places in China.中國有如此多的具有魅力的地方。 The first place you must visit, of course, is Beijing. 你來(lái)參觀(guān)的第一站將是北京,那是當然。You would go to The Great Wall, a marvelous structure that can be seen from the space. 你將去參觀(guān)長(cháng)城,人們可以從太空上看到這個(gè)了不起的建筑。Since you come to Beijing, you can stay at my home.你來(lái)北京時(shí),可以住在我家里。 I will introduce other beautiful scenic spots to you and arrange for further trips .我將向你介紹北京其它的風(fēng)景區,并安排你接下來(lái)的行程。I am sure you will enjoy your stay in China.我相信你會(huì )在北京度過(guò)愉快的時(shí)光。

Hope to see you soon! 希望很快就能見(jiàn)到你!





10.Chinese New Year 中國的新年

Chinese New Year, also called as the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year, is the most important festival for the Chinese people.中國的新年,也叫春節或是農歷新年,這是中國人最重要的節日。 It often falls on January or February. 它通常是在一月份或二月份的時(shí)候到來(lái)。And it lasts for 15 days. 這個(gè)節日一直要持續15天。

When it comes, most Chinese people will come back to get together with their family no matter how far they are away from hometown. 春節的時(shí)候,大多數中國人會(huì )回到家中與家人團聚,不管他們離家的距離有多遠。On New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, families give religious ceremony in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors. 除夕夜和大年初一的時(shí)候,家里會(huì )祭祀天神和土地。It symbolizes family unity. 這象征著(zhù)家庭團結。In addition, ancestors will give “red bag” which contains cash to Children. 此外,長(cháng)輩們會(huì )把裝有現金的“紅包”送給孩子們。And then in the following days, people pay visits to their relatives and send them gifts.在接下來(lái)的幾天里,人們會(huì )走親訪(fǎng)友,并贈送主人禮物。

In a word, it highlights family unity and honors the past and present generations.總之,春節的重要意義是全家團聚,紀念以前世代和這個(gè)世代的人。


11. My  Favorite Food  我最喜歡的食物

Among all kinds of foods, I like rice most. 在所有的食物中,我最喜歡的是大米飯

Being a southerner, rice is a necessity of daily food. 作為南方人,米飯是我們每天的食物中的必需品。 Everyday, I have rice in lunch and supper as a staple food. 每天,我的中晚飯都是以米飯作為主食的。I don’t think I’m full without it in one meal. 如果不吃米飯,我就會(huì )覺(jué)得沒(méi)吃飽。 I can survive without any food but rice. 在這個(gè)世界上,唯一不能缺少的食物是米飯。 So rice is the only food I never feel fed up with. 米飯是我絕對不會(huì )吃膩的唯一的食物。

Rice can also be made as dishes and desserts in my hometown, such as steamed  rice balls with vegetables and rice cakes. 在我的家鄉,米飯還能做成菜和點(diǎn)心,比如米菜圓子和米糕等。 My hometown once planted special Jingshan Rice for emperors in history. 我的家鄉還種植過(guò)專(zhuān)供皇帝食用的京山橋米。 But now we common people can also enjoy such quality rice. 不過(guò)現在我們普通人也能想用這么好的大米了。

Rice is my favorite food for ever. 大米永遠是我的最喜歡的食物



12. My Opinion on Cell Phones




My Opinion on Cell Phones 我對于使用手機的看法

Cell phones play an important role in our daily life.手機在我們日常生活中扮演著(zhù)重要的角色。 It makes us get in touch with each other whenever and wherever conveniently. 它讓我們不論何時(shí)何地都能與人方便地保持聯(lián)系。We can send short messages, surf on the internet, listen to the music, take pictures, and even get meanings of English words. 我們可以用它發(fā)送短信,上因特網(wǎng),聽(tīng)音樂(lè ),照相,還可以查單詞。This digital equipment has changed our life greatly.這種數碼設備已經(jīng)改變了我們生活的許多方面。
    As every coin has two sides, it t also has disadvantages.
正如每個(gè)硬幣都有兩面一樣,手機也有它的缺點(diǎn)。It’s expensive and unnecessary calls are very costly. 它價(jià)格昂貴,并且通話(huà)成本也很高。Especially, the radiation from the mobile phones does harm to people’s health.尤其是手機的輻射對人體的健康有害。
   In my opinion, the cell phone brings convenience to us and its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages.


13.About TV Ads 關(guān)于電視廣告


Television is an attractive medium for advertising because it has access to mass audiences. 電視是為了打廣告而吸引公眾注意的一種媒介,因為大眾都可以使用它。So when we watch TV, we cannot avoid watching TV ads.  因此當我們看電視的時(shí)候,我們沒(méi)法避免電視廣告。On one side, TV ads offer us some useful information. 一方面,電視廣告為我們提供了許多對我們有用的信息。For example, we can know a new product, a new place to have fun and etc. 例如,通過(guò)它,我們會(huì )知道一種新產(chǎn)品,一個(gè)好玩的地方,等等。On the other side, the exaggerated ads probably mislead us. 另一方面,過(guò)分渲染的廣告極有可能誤導我們的購物意向。It is revealed that some stars show up in ads, overstating the functions of products.有披露一些明星出現在廣告中,夸大敘述產(chǎn)品的用途。 In addition, too many TV ads affect our enjoying programs. 此外,過(guò)多的電視廣告會(huì )影響我們正常欣賞電視節目。It is possible that a touching scene in TV series is suddenly stopped by an annoying ad. 我們都有這樣惱人的經(jīng)歷,就是電視劇正看到動(dòng)人一幕時(shí)遭遇廣告。









Dec. 30th  1230

Dear All, 親愛(ài)的同學(xué)們,

I lost an English book in the Classroom 502 of the teaching building No2 yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午我在教學(xué)樓502教室丟失了一本英語(yǔ)書(shū)。The title of the book is College English. 這本書(shū)的名字叫作《大學(xué)英語(yǔ)》。 This book is very important and helpful to me because there are many notes I have taken in this book. 這本書(shū)對我不但重要而且很有幫助,因為我在這本書(shū)中作了不少筆記。Even if I buy a new course book, I cannot get back my notes of difficulties.我即使買(mǎi)一本新教程,也沒(méi)法找回我遇到難題時(shí)做的筆記。The final examination is approaching and I need the book to review.期末考試臨近,我需要這本書(shū)來(lái)復習。 Anyone who finds the book please contact Li Ming on 13774336899.請拾到這本書(shū)的同學(xué)與李明聯(lián)系,他的聯(lián)系方式是13774336899。 I will be very grateful to you.我會(huì )萬(wàn)分感激。 I am looking forward to your calls.盼望接到您的電話(huà)。

                                                    Li Ming李明


15.        A Get-together on May1st  五一聚會(huì )

Dear John,

Is everything going well with you recently?你最近還好嗎? We have graduated from university for almost 5 years and we haven’t seen each other once. 從大學(xué)畢業(yè)已經(jīng)五年了,但是還沒(méi)見(jiàn)過(guò)一次面So I miss you every much.  非常想你What have you been doing all these years? 你都在干什么咧?

   I have been a middle school teacher in my hometown since graduation. 畢業(yè)后我在一所中學(xué)里教書(shū)And I am a happy father for a 3-year-old boy. 現在是一個(gè)三歲男孩的爸爸了There will be a get-together for our former classmates during this May Day Holiday in our university.  在我們的大學(xué)里五一搞一次同學(xué)聚會(huì )I’m the organizer. 我是組織者I wonder if you can make it. 我喜歡你能來(lái)Your family is also welcome.  也歡迎帶家屬

   I’m looking forward every much to your reply. 等著(zhù)你的回復

                                       Yours sincerely,

                                            Sun Ming


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