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日期:2013/2/23 14:08:59 來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng ) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:

I. Give the English equivalents to the following abbreviations. (本題共5小題,每小題2分,共10)

1. VAT

2. YC

3. O.S.

4. J/A

5. FAS

II. Put the following phrases into English. (本題共5小題,每小題2分,共10)






III. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the box. (本題共15小題,每小題1分,共15)

with     from     against    at    of   for   to    in

11. A change __________ one accounting method to another during the lease term is not uncommon.

12. Immediate notice should be given to the Lloyd’s Agent __________ the port or place where the loss or damage is discovered.

13. On the 4th __________ November, 1998, the seller’s solicitors submitted a written defense.

14. __________ your reference we are sending you under separate cover two sets of our literature.

15.However, bear__________ mind that we have pioneered this entire glove field for the People’s Republic of China.

16. We have substantial financial resources and bank facilities which suffice us to meet __________ the enlarging business activities.


with regard to     in jeopardy     free from     short of

according to    in force     at any rate      ready for

provided    on behalf of     upon receipt of      take into account

17. __________ model 23, we will be shipping additional leather to you in March for this particular model.

18. Our factory will run __________ raw materials and it will be impossible for our factory to produce the commodities.

19. You had better consult your bankers, __________.

20. Future business would be __________ if the quality is not kept up.

21. The goods are __________ shipment, therefore the covering L/C should reach us before July 20th.

22. Our Renminbi is __________ the influence of economic crises in the capitalist world.

23. It is necessary to make corresponding changes and payment will be made __________ the invoice issued by Mr. Li.

24. We accept your offer __________ shipment is made in November.

25. The Credit shall remain __________ until 17th January, 2005 in China.

IV. Reading Comprehension. (本題共10小題,每小題2分,共20)

A. Read the passage and answer the questions.

We have been referred to your bank by Merssrs & Co. Ltd. in your district, who wishes to place a large order with us involving about $ 63,000. As we have not done any business with them in the past, we should like to have some detailed information about their credit standing, business capacity and character. We shall appreciate it very much if you will give us your opinion on these points regarding the company mentioned. Any information with which you may furnish us will be treated in strict confidence.

26. Please choose a suitable title for the passage. (   )

A. Credit Inquiry                                             B. Company Inquiry

C. Bank Inquiry                                              D. Reply

27. The word standing means: (   )

A. existing                   B. reputation                C. duration                  D. upright


B. Read the passage and answer the questions.

After further consultation with the manufacturers of the goods, we regret to say that we are unable to come to any positive result which would help clear the situation. Our manufacturers are of the opinion that by a few traces of rust no harm could be done to those spare parts. They are not precision instruments after all, which would need different packing. Our manufacturers therefore come to the conclusion that there is no valid ground for complaint so long as such a defect does not in the least affect the use of the goods.

In consequence, we consider it difficult to file a claim against the manufacturers. Nevertheless, we are prepared to straighten out the matter in an amicable way by paying you a rebate of 5% so as to start with a clean slate. We hope that our proposal will be acceptable to you for the settlement of the pending case so that we may continue doing business with you shortly.

28. What is this article about? (   )

A. Complaint               B. Claim                      C. Adjustment              D. Packing

29. What does the word ground mean? (   )

A. Reason                    B. Land                        C. Background             D. Area

30. The manufacturers hold the opinion that (   )

A. those spare parts have been harmed by the rust

B. no reasons to make a claim are unacceptable

C. the damage has nothing to do with the packing

D. the defect has affected the use of the goods

C. Read Passage B again and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

31. The manufacturers agree to compensate their customer. (   )

32. These instruments are exquisite ones. (   )

33. The customer has accepted the 5% rebate. (   )

34. A friendly method of dealing with this problem is proposed. (   )

35. It is impossible to claim against the manufacturers. (   )

V. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (本題共5小題,每小題2分,共10)

36. The dividends for the Foreign Participants shall be fully paid in foreign exchange.

37. This is the only lot available and others are after it.

38. With this issue clarified, we can proceed to fresh business now.

39. All negotiations under this credit must be noted below.

40. It is established beyond controversy that the shipping company is responsible for the damage to the goods.

VITranslate the following sentences into English. (本題共5小題,每小題3分,共15)

41. 我方已開(kāi)出匯票向你收取200美元的欠款,而未向你電索。

42. 如果你們的價(jià)格合理,質(zhì)量令人滿(mǎn)意,我們會(huì )下大定單。

43. 很抱歉目前我們不能續訂315號發(fā)票的貨。

44. 上述貨物被我方海關(guān)扣留著(zhù)。

45. 銷(xiāo)售目標應根據產(chǎn)品對象進(jìn)行安排。

VII. Letter-writing. (本大題20)

46. 根據以下所給內容用完整的書(shū)信格式(包括信頭、信內地址、稱(chēng)呼、正文、結束語(yǔ)、結尾敬語(yǔ)和簽名)擬一封信:

1)我方:John Smith, Dolly Enterprises Pte. Ltd. (地址: Midlink Plaza, Singapore 0715,

Fax: 3250661, Tel: 3250666) 代表倫敦的客戶(hù)寫(xiě)這封信,他們對進(jìn)口中國瓷器很感興趣。


3)告知對方 (sales manager, Ganjiang Potteries Ltd., 78 Ciyi Street, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, China) ,我方的客戶(hù)是倫敦的大型零售商店,如果價(jià)格和產(chǎn)品合適,可能將會(huì )下大訂單。


5)寫(xiě)信日期:2007 111


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