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日期:2009/10/26 11:13:33 來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng ) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:
54.   It’s no good (write) to him, he never answers letters. The only thing to do is to go and see him.

55.   (Come) what may, we’re not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands.

Section VI: Error-detection and Correction

Each question consists of a sentence with four underlined parts (words or phrases). These parts are labeled [A], [B], [C], and [D]. Choose the part of the sentence that is incorrect and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. Then, without altering the meaning of the sentence, write down the correct word or phrase on the line in the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)


You’ve to hurry up if you want to buy something because [A] there’s [B] hardly something [C] left. [D]

ANSWER: [C] anything

56.   In [A] his response to [B] the advertisement, Ed. replied that he was looking for a full-time position [C] not a part-time [D] one.

57.   No one who has seen [A] him work [B] in the laboratory can deny [C] that William has great capabilities of [D] research.

58.   Neither of the alternatives that had been outlined [A] at the last meeting [B] were [C] acceptable to [D] the executive committee.

59.   Airline companies today require [A] that all luggage’s [B] be inspected [C] before passengers are admitted into [D] the waiting rooms.

60.   Although Alice has been [A] to the mountains many times [B] be fore, she still [C] loves visiting it. [D]

61.   An important function of the World Health Organization is to improve [A] the healthy [B] and living conditions for the sick and the poor of [C] world [D]

62.   The element carbon is widely [A] found [B] in nature [C] in many forms including both diamonds as well as [D] coal.

63.   While still a young boy [A] Bizet knew to play [B] the piano well and as [C] he grew older, he wrote operas, the most famous of which [D] is Carmen.

64.   Despite the fact that [A] the South Pole is as snow-covered [B] and stormy-weathered [C] as the North Pole, it is colder [D] than the North Pole.

65.   Climate [A] conditions vary widely [B] from place to place and from season to season, but a certain order and pattern [C] can be identifiable. [D]

Section VII: Chinese-English Translation

Translate the following sentences into English (15 points)

66.   所有那些努力工作的人都應得到鼓勵。

67.   我們懇切希望你早日給我們一個(gè)答復。

68.   即使你說(shuō)服不了他,也不要灰心喪氣。

69.   這件事至今還沒(méi)有得出正確的結論。

70.   你講英語(yǔ)時(shí),發(fā)音要準,否則人家就聽(tīng)不懂你的意思。

Section VIII: English-Chinese Translation


Translate the following passage into Chinese. Only the underlined sentences are to be translated. (20 points)

Have there always been cities? (71) Life without large urban areas may seem inconceivable to us, but actually cities are relatively recent development. Groups with primitive economics still manage without them. The trend, however, is for such groups to disappear, while cities are increasingly becoming the dominant mode of man’s social existence. (72) Historically, city life has always been among the elements which form a civilization. Any high degree of human endeavor and achievement has been closely linked to life in an urban environment. (73) It is virtually impossible to imagine that universities, hospitals, large businesses or even science and technology could have come into being without cities to support them. To most people, cities have traditionally been the areas where there was a concentration of culture as well as of opportunity. (74) In recent years, however, people have begun to become aware that cities are also areas where there is a concentration of problems. What has happened to the modern American city? Actually, the problem is not such a new one. Long before this century started, there had begun a trend toward the concentration of the poor of the American society into the cities. Each great wave of immigration from abroad and from the rural areas made the problem worse. During this century, there has also been the development of large suburban areas surrounding the cities, for the rich prefer to live in these areas. Within the cities, sections may be sharply divided into high and low rent districts, the “right side of town” and the slums.

Of course, everyone wants to do something about this unhappy situation. But there is no agreement as to goals. Neither is there any systematic approach or integrated program. Opinions are as diverse as the people who give them. (75) But one basic difference of opinion concerns the question of whether or not the city as such is to be preserved. Perhaps transportation and the means of communication have really made it possible for there to be an end to the big cities. Of course, there is the problem of persuading people to move out of them of their own free will. (76) And there is also the objection that the city has always been the core from which cultural advancement has radiated. Is this, however, still the case today in the presence of easy transportation and communication? Does culture arise as a result of people living together communally, or is it too the result of decisions made at the level of government and the communications industry?

It is probably true to say that most people prefer to preserve the cities. Some think that the cities could be cleaned up or totally rebuilt. This is easy to say; it would not be so easy to do. (77) To be sure, a great rebuilding project would give jobs to many of those people who need them. Living conditions could not help but improve, at least for a while. But would the problems return after the rebuilding was completed?

Nevertheless, with the majority of the people living in urban areas, the problem of the cities must be solved. (78) From agreement on this general goal, we have, unfortunately, in the past proceeded to disa

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