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日期:2015/8/7 13:51:10 來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng ) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:

  1. a bit (of) 有一點(diǎn)兒

  2. a few 一些; 少量;幾個(gè)

  a little一些; 少量

  3.a group of 一群

  4. a kind of 一種; 一類(lèi)

  5. a lot of (lots of)=a number of 許多

  a number of 一些;許多

  6. a pair of 一雙; 一副

  7. a piece of ”一(塊,張,片,件)”

  8. according to 按照;根據

  9. after class 課后 after all ”終究, 畢竟“

  10. after school 放學(xué)后

  11. agree with sb/ to+V. 同意某人的意見(jiàn)/某事

  12. again and again 反復地;在三地

  13. all over 到處;遍及;結束

  14. all right 行了;好吧;(病)好了

  15. all the best 一切順利; all the same 還是, 仍然

  16. all the time 一直

  17. all the way 一路上

  18. and so on 等等

  19. apologize to sb. for sth. 為某事向某人道歉

  20. arrive at / in a place 到達某地

  21. as well 也;又

  22. ask for 請求; 尋求

  23.at breakfast /lunch /supper 早/午/晚餐時(shí)

  24. at first / last 起先;開(kāi)始的時(shí)候/ 最后;終于

  25. at home 在家(里)

  26. at least / most 至少/ 至多

  27. at once 立刻;馬上28. at present ”現在, 目前“

  29. at school 在學(xué)校;在上課

  30. at the moment ”此刻,目前; 那時(shí),當時(shí)

  31. at the same time 同時(shí)

  32. at work 在工作

  33. at the / on weekends 在周末

  34. be able to 能夠(有能力)

  35. be afraid of 害怕

  36. be angry with sb. 生某人的氣

  37. be bad for 有害于

  38. be born 出生于

  39. be busy with / doing sth. 忙于做某事

  40. be careful with 小心

  41. be covered with 被……覆蓋

  42. be different from 與……不同

  43. be familiar to 對……熟悉

  44. be famous for 以……而著(zhù)名

  45. be fond of 愛(ài)好

  46. be full of 充滿(mǎn)

  47. be good / poor at 善長(cháng)于 / 對……比較差

  48. be interested in 對……感興趣

  49. be keen on 喜愛(ài)

  50. be late for ……遲到

  51. be located (in/on/at) 位于

  52. be made of 由……制成

  53. be made up of 由……組成

  54. be on ”上演, 上映“

  55. be pleased with 對……滿(mǎn)意

  56. be proud of 為……而感到自豪

  57. be/get ready for 為……作準備

  58. be surprised at 對……感到驚奇

  59. be thankful to sb. 對某人很感激

  60. be/get used to+v-ing 習慣于

  61. be worried/serious about 為……而擔心

  62. because of=thanks to 由于

  63. belong to 屬于

  64. break out 爆發(fā) break into ”闖入, 破門(mén)而入“

  65. by air mail 寄航空郵件

  66. by bus 乘公共汽車(chē)

  67. by oneself 親自

  68. by phone 打電話(huà)

  69. by the way 順便說(shuō);順便問(wèn)一下

  70. call on 拜訪(fǎng)

  71. care for 照顧; 喜歡

  72. carry out 執行

  73. catch (a) cold 著(zhù)涼;傷風(fēng)

  catch up with 趕上(或超過(guò))

  74. change one’s mind 改變主意

  75. check in 辦理登機

  76. come across 被理解; 遇見(jiàn)

  come back 回來(lái);想起來(lái)

  77. come from 出生于;來(lái)自

  78. come on 快;走吧;跟我來(lái)

  come out 出來(lái);(書(shū)等)出版,發(fā)行

  79. come to an end 結束

  80. come to know 知道

  81. come to life 顯得逼真; 蘇醒

  82. come true 實(shí)現

  come up with追上;趕上;想出(主意);找出(答案)

  83. communicate with 與……交流

  84. compare with 與……比較

  congratulate …on… 祝賀……

  85. cover an area of 占地面積

  86. cut down 砍倒

  87. deal with 處理

  88. depend on ”依靠,依賴(lài)“

  89. die of 因……病而死

  different from 與……不同

  90. do one’s best 盡最大努力

  91. do sb. a favour 幫某人忙

  92. do some shopping 買(mǎi)東西 (cleaning)

  93. do with 處置, 處理

  94. dream of 夢(mèng)見(jiàn)

  95. dress up 穿著(zhù)打扮

  96. each other 互相

  97. eat up 吃光, 吞噬

  earn one’s life 謀生

  either… or… 或者……或者……

  98. enjoy oneself 過(guò)得愉快

  99. enter for 報名參加

  even if / thought 即使;盡管

  100. fall off 從……跌落

  101. far away (from) (離)遙遠

  far from遠離

  feel like doing 想要……;感覺(jué)要……

  102. fill in ”填充, 填寫(xiě)“

  fill … with … 用……填充

  103. find out 找出;查明;了解

  104. finish off 吃完; 喝完

  first of all 首先

  105. for ever 永遠

  106. for example 例如

  107. for the first time 第一次

  108. for the time being ”暫時(shí),眼下“

  from … to… 從……到……

  109. from door to door 挨家挨戶(hù)

  110. from now on 從此以后; 今后

  111. from time to time 不時(shí);有時(shí)

  112. get along / on (with) 進(jìn)展;與…….相處

  go away 逃離

  113. get back 返回

  114. get in 進(jìn)入;收集

  115. get in the way 擋道

  116. get off 下車(chē)

  117. get on 上車(chē)

  get on with與…….相處

  118. get ready for 為……作準備

  119. get rid of 擺脫

  120. get tired of 對……感到厭倦

  121. get to 到達

  get together 相聚; 聯(lián)歡

  122. get up 起床

  123. give back 歸還;送回

  124. give out 分發(fā)

  125. give sb. a hand 助某人一臂之力

  126. give up 放棄

  127. go ahead 先走;向前走;去吧;干吧

  go away 走開(kāi);離去

  128. go shopping / bowling 去購物 / 打保齡球

  129. go for a swim 去游泳

  go for a walk 散步

  130. go home 回家

  131. go in for 參加;從事于;酷愛(ài)

  132. go on 繼續

  133. go on a diet 實(shí)行節食

  134. go on a picnic 去野餐

  135. go on with / doing sth. 繼續做某事

  136. go out 熄滅

  137. go over 復習;仔細地再讀一遍

  138. go sightseeing 去觀(guān)光

  139. go to (the) hospital 去醫院(看病)

  140. go to bed 就寢

  141. go to college 上大學(xué)

  142. go to school 上學(xué)

  143. go to sleep 入睡

  144. go to the cinema / movie(s) 去看電影

  145. go up 走上前去 146. go wrong 出錯

  147. grow up 成年;長(cháng)大

  148. had better 最好還是;還是……好

  149. hand in 上交

  hand out 分發(fā)

  150. happen to do 碰巧做

  151. happen to sb. 發(fā)生到某人身上

  have fun with玩得高興

  have fun doing…玩得高興

  152. have (got) to 不得不

  153. have a class / lesson 上課

  154. have a good time 玩得很愉快;過(guò)得很愉快

  155. have breakfast 吃早餐

  156. have no idea 不清楚

  157. have pity on sb. 憐憫某人

  158. have sports 進(jìn)行體育活動(dòng)

  159. hear from 收到……來(lái)信


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