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日期:2013/10/4 10:41:24 來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng ) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:


  1. (A) She has had the man's calculator since


  (B) The man's calculator is broken.

  (C) The man may use her calculator.

  (D) She'll return the man's calculator on


  2. (A) Buy a different kind of medicine.

  (B) See a doctor.

  (C) Take a second pill.

  (D) Avoid taking any medication.

  3. (A) He'll go running after his study group


  (B) He doesn't agree with the woman

  about the weather.

  (C) He doesn't like to go running.

  (D) He'll go with the woman this


  4. (A) Another friend commented on his

  haircut too.

  (B) The woman has mistaken him for

  another person.

  (C) He decided to try a new barbershop.

  (D) A different person cut his hair this


  5. (A) The man shouldn't be surprised at how

  busy he is.

  (B) The man should leave more time for

  his studies.

  (C) The man should try to find a different


  (D) The bookstore will be hiring more


  6. (A) The woman should get more sleep.

  (B) The woman may be sicker than she


  (C) He isn't sick.

  (D) He doesn't think the woman is sick.

  7. (A) The art museum isn't open today.

  (B) The number 42 bus doesn't run on


  (C) The man should wait for the number'

  42 bus.

  (D) She has never taken the bus to the art


  8. (A) The man should buy a jacket instead

  of a suit.

  (B) The green jacket doesn't fit as well as

  the blue one.

  (C) The style of clothing is more

  important than the color.

  (D) The man looks better in blue.

  9. (A) The woman will get to her class on


  (B) The woman should go to a different


  (C) He doesn't like sandwiches very


  (D) He's having trouble deciding what to


  10. (A) Her sister's train is late.

  (B) Her sister will visit in three months.

  (C) She'll have to leave without her


  (D) She's eager to see her sister.

  11. (A) She's pleased they were invited.

  (B) Susan gave them the wrong


  (C) They'll probably be late for dinner.

  (D) Susan's house is probably nearby.

  12. (A) Buy some orange juice for the woman.

  (B) Borrow some money from the


  (C) Drive the woman to the store.

  (D) Pay back money the woman lent


  13. (A) She hasn't worn the dress in a long time.

  (B) She doesn't like the dress very much.

  (C) She intends to give the dress to her


  (D) She doesn't remember where her

  sister bought the dress.

  14. (A) She never cleans the apartment.

  (B) She's doing a report with her


  (C) She's too busy to clean the


  (D) She doesn't like sharing an


  15. (A) He'll try to finish the novel tonight.

  (B) He liked the novel very much.

  (C) He doesn't remember where he put

  the novel.

  (D) He's looking forward to the next

  literature assignment.

  16. (A) He doesn't like to wake up early in

  the morning.

  (B) The woman seems unusually sad.

  (C) There's no special reason for his

  good mood.

  (D) He wasn't in a good mood when he

  woke up.

  17. (A) Get a ride to the station with the


  (B) Take the woman to the station.

  (C) Borrow the woman's car to go to the


  (D) Drive his car instead of taking the


  18. (A) Review the assignment by himself.

  (B) Wait a few minutes before trying to

  phone John again.

  (C) Ask one of John's housemates about

  the assignment.

  (D) Go over to John's house.

  19. (A) He won't vote for the woman.

  (B) He may also run for class president.

  (C) The woman already asked him for

  his vote.

  (D) The woman should ask his

  roommate to vote for her.

  20. (A) She isn't sure that the author's ideas

  would work.

  (B) The author isn't an expert in


  (C) She has a better theory about the


  (D) The author spends too much time

  arguing about details.

  21. (A) She doesn't agree with the man.

  (B) The man doesn't need an official

  grade report.

  (C) Official copies of grades used to be


  (D) The man should go to a different


  22. (A) Take her bicycle to the repair shop.

  (B) Leave her bicycle outside.

  (C) Go to work when it stops raining.

  (D) Check to make sure the garage is


  23. (A) Others should hear about the man's


  (B) The man should avoid talking about

  his accomplishment.

  (C) The man's parents helped him gel

  the scholarship.

  (D) The man's parents already told her

  about his scholarship.

  24. (A) The course is too difficult,

  (B) The professor changed his mind.

  (C) The final exam was cancelled.

  (D) The woman misunderstood the


  25. (A) The coffee used to taste better.

  (B) He's surprised that the woman drinks


  (C) He'd rather drink something other

  than coffee.

  (D) The coffee tastes the same as before.

  26. (A) Come back later in the day.

  (B) Join the staff meeting. .

  (C) Wait for the pool to open.

  (D) Wait for the competition to begin.

  27. (A) He'd like to go to the theater Friday


  (B) He already has a ticket for the

  Friday night performance.

  (C) He doesn't think he can exchange his


  (D) He rarely goes to the movies.

  28. (A) She took a history class last year.

  (B) She doesn't trust the man's opinion.

  (C) She probably won't take any history


  (D) She didn't like her sociology


  29, (A) The other job wouldn't have paid for

  her tuition.

  (B) The woman should have taken the

  other job offer.

  (C) The woman should get an advanced


  (D) Paid tuition is only a small benefit.

  30. (A) The man should have signed her up

  for the class.

  (B) The man needs to pay more

  attention in class.

  (C) She warned the man not to take an

  early morning class.

  (D) She thought the chemistry class was



  31. (A) To return some business books.

  (B) To apply for a new library card.

  (C) To check out some books from the


  (D) To find out where the art books are


  32. (A) The library assistant thinks he has an

  overdue book.

  (B) The books he needs have been

  checked out by someone else.

  (C) The library assistant is unable to

  locate the books that he needs.

  (D) A library notice was sent to him at

  his previous address.

  33. (A) To explain why he had difficulty finding the library.

  (B) To explain why he couldn't have

  borrowed library books in June.

  (C) To explain why he doesn't yet have a

  library card,

  (D) To explain why he needs assistance

  in locating a book.

  34. (A) The man has mistakenly received someone else's books.

  (B) The man changed his major from art

  to business.

  (C) The man recently moved off campus.

  (D) There are two students named

  Robert Smith.

  35. (A) See if he is related to any of the students.

  (B) Apply for a job as a library assistant.

  (C) Use his middle name.

  (D) Use a different library.

  36. (A) Its similarities to previous


  (B) Its impressive and distinctive


  (C) Methods used in its construction.

  (D) How it was preserved for later


  37. (A) Public market days.

  (B) Races and sporting events.

  (C) Processions of priests.

  (D) Speeches by politicians.

  38. (A) It was removed by an invading army.

  (B) It broke off when part of the hall


  (C) It was cut away to let banners pass

  through the entrance.

  (D) It was later used in building another


  39. (A) Its lighting.

  (B) Its sound quality.

  (C) Its air circulation.

  (D) Its stability in an earthquake.

  Part C

  40. (A) The relationship between physics

  and philosophy.

  (B) Ancient Greek beliefs about matter

  and motion.

  (C) The effects of Aristotle's philosophy

  on current theories of physics.

  (D) Aristotle's use of fire in scientific


  41. (A) Earth.

  (B) Water.

  (C) Air.

  (D) Fire.

  42. (A) Pulling and pushing motions.

  (B) Throwing motions.

  (C) Planetary motions.

  (D) Natural downward or upward


  43. (A) It's pushed away from Earth by fire.

  (B) It's trying to return to its natural

  resting place.

  (C) It's attracted to other planets.

  (D) Its main substance is water.

  44. (A) To solicit volunteers for Turtle


  (B) To give an assignment to a biology


  (C) To warn students not to hurt green


  (D) To describe the nesting and hatching

  activities of the green turtle.

  45. (A) The lights attract predators.

  (B) They need to save electricity.

  (C) The baby turtles are attracted to


  (D) The volunteers use lights for signals.

  46. (A) Write a report about their activities.

  (B) Attend make-up classes with Dr.


  (C) Help find turtle eggs before they


  (D) Spend two hours working for the


  47. (A) How people in rural areas preserved


  (B) The construction of icehouses.

  (C) An important industry in the

  nineteenth century.

  (D) How improvements in transportation

  affected industry.

  48. (A) Modem technology for the kitchen.

  (B) Improved transportation systems.

  (C) Industrial use of streams and rivers.

  (D) Increased temperatures in many


  49. (A) Only wealthy families had them.

  (B) They were important to the ice


  (C) They were built mostly on the east


  (D) They are no longer in common use.

  50. (A) To keep train engines cool.

  (B) To preserve perishable food.

  (C) To store ice while it was being


  (D) To lift blocks of ice from frozen

  lakes and ponds.

  Section Two: Structure and Written Expression

  1. The role of the ear is acoustic

  disturbances into neural signals suitable for transmission to the brain.

  (A) to code

  (B) so that coded

  (C) coded

  (D) it coding

  2. The imagist movement in poetry arose

  during the second decade of the twentieth

  century against romanticism,

  (A) when a revolt

  (B) as a revolt

  (C) a revolt was

  (D) that a revolt

  3. Virtually species have biological

  clocks that regulate their metabolism over a 24-hour period.

  (A) all there are

  (B) all

  (C) all are

  (D) they all

  4. According to United States criminal law,

  insanity may relieve a person from the

  usual legal consequences

  (A) what his or her acts have

  (B) of his or her acts are

  (C) of his or her acts

  (D) what of his or her acts

  5. In addition to a place where

  business deals are made, a stock exchange collects statistics, publishes price quotations, and sets rules and standards for trading.

  (A) being

  (B) it is

  (C) that which

  (D) where is

  6. The first inhabitants of the territories

  Canada came across the Bering

  Strait and along the edge of the Arctic ice.

  (A) make up that now

  (B) make up now that

  (C) that make up now

  (D) that now make up

  7. need for new schools following the

  Second World War that provided the sustained thrust for the architectural program in Columbus, Indiana.

  (A) Since the

  (B) To be the

  (C) The

  (D) It was the

  8. The soybean contains vitamins, essential

  minerals, high percentage of


  (A) a

  (B) and a

  (C) since a

  (D) of which a

  9. Hail is formed when a drop of rain is

  carried by an updraft to an altitude where

  to freeze it.

  (A) is the air cold enough

  (B) the air cold enough

  (C) the cold enough air

  (D) the air is cold enough

  10. Geometrically, the hyperbolic functions

  are related to the hyperbola, the

  trigonometric functions are related to the circle.

  (A) just as

  (B) same

  (C) similar to

  (D) and similar

  11. , Kilauea is one of the world's most

  active volcanoes, having erupted dozens of times since 1952.

  (A) The big island of Hawaii's location

  (B) Locates the big island of Hawaii

  (C) Located on the big island of Hawaii

  (D) On the big island of Hawaii's


  12. Not until the eighteenth century

  the complex chemistry of metallurgy

  (A) when scientists began to appreciate

  (B) did scientists begin to appreciate

  (C) scientists who were beginning to


  (D) the appreciation of scientists began

  13. 1810, water-powered textile

  manufacturing arrived in New Hampshire with the founding of a company in Manchester that manufactured cotton and wool.

  (A) Early

  (B) In the early

  (C) As early as

  (D) When early

  14. The settings of Eudora Welty's stories

  may be rather limited, but about

  human nature is quite broad.

  (A) exposes

  (B) exposes that

  (C) she exposes

  (D) what she exposes

  15. Lichens grow extremely well in very plants can cold parts of the world survive.

  (A) where few other

  (B) few others

  (C) where do few others

  (D) there are few others

  16.The pear tree has simple, oval leaves that are smoother and shinier than them of the

  A B C D


  17.In the orbit of a planet around the Sun, the point closest to the Sun is called it the

  A B C D


  18.In the early 1900’s, Roy Harris created and promoted a distinctly American style of

  A B C

  classical music and greatly influenced a number of composer in the United States.


  19.The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of North American ports,


  particular Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, as major commercial centers within the

  B C D

  British empire.

  20.Guitarlike instruments have exist since ancient times, but the first written mention

  A B C

  of the guitar itself is from the fourteenth century.


  21.The law of biogenesis is the principle what all living organisms are derived from a

  A B C

  parent or parents.


  22.Onyx is a mineral that can be recognized its regular and straight parallel bands of

  A B C

  white, black, or brown.


  23.There are as many as 200 million insects for every human beings, and in fact their

  A B

  total number exceeds that of all other animals taken together.

  C D

  24.Native to South America and cultivated there for thousands of years, the peanut

  A B

  is said to have introduced to North America by early explorers.

  C D

  25.Originally canoes were made by the hollowing out of logs and used were for combat

  A B C

  as well as transport.


  26.Among the symptoms of measles, which takes about twelve days to incubate, are a high

  A B C

  fever, swelling of glands in the neck, a cough, and sensitive to light.


  27.Ice crystals in a glacier tends to melt and recrystallize within a brief moment of travel

  A B C D

  on a downhill glide.

  28.Photograph was revolutionized in 1851 by the introduction of the collodion process

  A B C

  for making glass negatives.


  29.The piano is a stringed musical instrument in which the strings are strike by

  A B C

  felt-covered hammers controlled by a keyboard.


  30.The sounds used in human languages to create meaning consist of small variation in

  A B

  air pressure can be sensed by the ear.

  C D

  31.The mountains, especially the Rocky Mountains, formerly constituted a seriously

  A B

  barrier to east-west trade in British Columbia.

  C D

  32.Telescope are frequently used in astronomy to collect light from a celestial object,

  A B

  bring the light into focus, and producing a magnified image.

  C D

  33.Diamond is the hardest known substance, so diamond can be cut only by another

  A B C D


  34.There are about 350 species and subspecies of birds in danger of become extinct,

  A B

  with a large number of them, 117 in all, found on oceanic islands.

  C D

  35.The nineteenth-century romantic movement in art was partially a reaction to what

  A B C

  was perceived as overemphasis on reasonable and order in neoclassicism.


  36.Like triglycerides, cholesterol is a type of fat that is both consumed in the diet but

  A B C D

  manufactured by the body.

  37.Both the United States silver dollar and half-dollar, first minted in 1794, had a figure

  A B C

  of Liberty on one side and a eagle on the reverse side.


  38.For an advertisement to be effective, its production and placement must to be based

  A B C

  on a knowledge of human nature and a skilled use of the media.


  39.While photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert

  A B C

  water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.


  40.The Democratic Party, the most oldest existing political party in the United States,

  A B

  has played a vital role in the nation’s history.

  C D

  Section Three: Reading Comprehension

  Questions 1-10

  One area of paleoanthropological study involves the eating and dietary habits of hominids, erect

  bipedal primates—including early humans. It is clear that at some stage of history, humans began

  to carry their food to central places, called home bases, where it

  Line was shared and consumed with the young and other adults. The use of home bases is a

  (5) fundamental component of human social behavior; the common meal served at a common hearth is a powerful symbol, a mark of social unity. Home base behavior does not occur among nonhuman primates and is rare among mammals. It is unclear when humans began to use home bases, what kind of communications and social relations were involved, and what the ecological and food-choice contexts of the shift were. Work on early tools,

  (10) surveys of paleoanthropological sites, development and testing of broad ecological

  theories, and advances in comparative primatology are contributing to knowledge about this central chapter in human prehistory.

  One innovative approach to these issues involves studying damage and wear on stone tools. Researchers make tools that replicate excavated specimens as closely as possible

  (15) and then try to use them as the originals might have been used, in woodcutting, hunting, or cultivation. Depending on how the tool is used, characteristic chippage patterns and microscopically distinguishable polishes develop near the edges. The first application of this method of analysis to stone tools that are 1.5 million to 2 million years old indicates that, from the start, an important function of early stone tools was to extract highly

  (20) nutritious food—meat and marrow-from large animal carcasses. Fossil bones with cut marks caused by stone tools have been discovered lying in the same 2-million-year-old layers that yielded the oldest such tools and the oldest hominid specimens (including humans) with larger than ape-sized brains. This discovery increases scientists' certainty about when human ancestors began to eat more meat than present-day nonhuman

  (25) primates. But several questions remain unanswered: how frequently meat eating occurred; what the social implications of meat eating were; and whether the increased use of meat coincides with the beginnings of the use of home bases.

  1. The passage mainly discusses which of

  the following aspects of hominid


  (A) Changes in eating and dietary

  practices (B) The creation of stone hunting tools

  (C) Social interactions at home bases

  (D) Methods of extracting nutritious food

  from carcasses

  2. According to the passage, bringing a meal

  to a location to be shared by many

  individuals is

  (A) an activity typical of nonhuman


  (B) a common practice among animals

  that eat meat

  (C) an indication of social unity .

  (D) a behavior that encourages better

  dietary habits

  3. The word "consumed" in line 4 is closest

  in meaning to

  (A) prepared

  (B) stored

  (C) distributed

  (D) eaten

  4. According to paragraph 2, researchers

  make copies of old stone tools in order to

  (A) protect the old tools from being worn


  (B) display examples of the old tools in


  (C) test theories about how old tools were


  (D) learn how to improve the design of

  modern tools

  5. In paragraph 2, the author mentions all of

  the following as examples of ways in

  which early stone tools were used


  (A) build home bases

  (B) obtain food

  (C) make weapons

  (D) shape wood

  6. The word "innovative" in line 13 is closest

  in meaning to

  (A) good

  (B) new

  (C) simple

  (D) costly

  7. The word "them" in line 15 refers to

  (A) issues

  (B) researchers

  (C) tools

  (D) specimens

  8. The author mentions "characteristic

  chippage patterns" in line 16 as an

  example of

  (A) decorations cut into wooden objects

  (B) differences among tools made of

  various substances

  (C) impressions left on prehistoric animal


  (D) indications of wear on stone tools

  9. The word "extract" in line 19 is closest in

  meaning to

  (A) identify

  (B) remove

  (C) destroy

  (D) compare

  10. The word "whether" in line 26 is closest

  in meaning to

  (A) if

  (B) how

  (C) why

  (D) when

  Questions 11-20

  In seventeenth-century colonial North America, all day-to-day cooking was done in the

  fireplace. Generally large, fireplaces were planned for cooking as well as for warmth. Those in

  the Northeast were usually four or five feet high, and in the South, they were

  Line often high enough for a person to walk into. A heavy timber called the mantel tree was

  (5) used as a lintel to support the stonework above the fireplace opening. This timber might be scorched occasionally, but it was far enough in front of the rising column of heat to be safe from catching fire.

  Two ledges were built across from each other on the inside of the chimney. On these rested the ends of a "lug pole" from which pots were suspended when cooking. Wood

  (10) from a freshly cut tree was used for the lug pole, so it would resist heat, but it had to be replaced frequently because it dried out and charred, and was thus weakened. Sometimes the pole broke and the dinner fell into the fire. When iron became easier to obtain, it was used instead of wood for lug poles, and later fireplaces had pivoting metal rods to hang pots from.

  (15) Beside the fireplace and built as part of it was the oven. It was made like a small,

  secondary fireplace with a flue leading into the main chimney to draw out smoke. Sometimes the door of the oven faced the room, but most ovens were built with the opening facing into the fireplace. On baking days (usually once or twice a week) a roaring fire of "oven wood," consisting of brown maple sticks, was maintained in the oven until its

  (20) walls were extremely hot. The embers were later removed, bread dough was put into the oven, and the oven was sealed shut until the bread was fully baked.

  Not ai! baking was done in a big oven, however. Also used was an iron "bake kettle," which looked like a stewpot on legs and which had an iron lid. This is said to have worked well when it was placed in the fireplace, surrounded by glowing wood embers, with more

  (25) embers piled on its lid.

  11. Which of the following aspects of

  domestic life in colonial North America

  does the passage mainly discuss?

  (A) Methods of baking bread

  (B) Fireplace cooking

  (C) The use of iron kettles in a typical


  (D) The types of wood used in preparing


  12. The author mentions the fireplaces built

  in the South to illustrate

  (A) how the materials used were similar

  to the materials used in northeastern


  (B) that they served diverse functions

  (C) that they were usually larger than

  northeastern fireplaces

  (D) how they were safer than

  northeastern fireplaces

  13. The word "scorched" in line 6 is closest

  in meaning to

  (A) burned

  (B) cut

  (C) enlarged


  14. The word "it" in line 6 refers to

  (A) the stonework

  (B) the fireplace opening

  (C) the mantel tree

  (D) the rising column of heat

  15. According to the passage, how was food

  usually cooked in a pot in the

  seventeenth century?

  (A) By placing the pot directly into the


  (B) By putting the pot in the oven

  (C) By filling the pot with hot water

  (D) By hanging the pot on a pole over

  the fire

  16. The word "obtain" in line 12 is closest in

  meaning to

  (A) maintain

  (B) reinforce

  (C) manufacture

  (D) acquire

  17. Which of the following is mentioned in

  paragraph 2 as a disadvantage of using a

  wooden lug pole?

  (A) It was made of wood not readily


  (B) It was difficult to move or rotate.

  (C) It occasionally broke.

  (D) It became too hot to touch.

  18. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that,

  compared to other firewood, "oven

  wood" produced

  (A) less smoke

  (B) more heat

  (C) fewer embers

  (D) lower flames

  19. According to paragraph 3, all of the

  following were true of a colonial oven


  (A) It was used to heat the kitchen every


  (B) It was built as part of the main


  (C) The smoke it generated went out

  through the main chimney.

  (D) It was heated with maple sticks.

  20. According to the passage, which of

  the following was an advantage of a

  "bake kettle"?

  (A) It did not take up a lot of space in the fireplace.

  (B) It did not need to be tightly closed.

  (C) It could be used in addition to or

  instead of the oven.

  (D) It could be used to cook several

  foods at one time.

  Questions 21-29

  Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects—an estimated 90 percent of the

  world's species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of

  insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also

  have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for

  (5) communicating information on science and conservation issues such as diversity.

  Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the past

  century is the striking difference in species richness between tropical and temperate regions.

  For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when

  he mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour's walk, whereas the total

  (10) number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only

  321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well


  A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between

  temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns within each region, and how these patterns vary

  (15) among different animal and plant groups. However, for butterflies, variation of species richness

  within temperate or tropical regions, rather man between them, is poorly understood. Indeed,

  comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia, and Africa are still

  mostly "personal communication" citations, even for vertebrates, In other words, unlike

  comparison between temperate and tropical areas, these patterns are still in the documentation


  In documenting geographical variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical

  decisions are made. Diversity, number of species, and species richness are used synonymously;

  little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution. The New World butterflies make

  up the preponderance of examples because they are the most familiar species. It is hoped that

  (25) by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and incomplete taxonomy will be


  21. Which aspect of butterflies does the

  passage mainly discuss?

  (A) Their physical characteristics

  (B) Their names

  (C) Their adaptation to different habitats

  (D) Their variety

  22. The word "consequence" in line 2 is

  closest in meaning to

  (A) result

  (B) explanation

  (C) analysis

  (D) requirement

  23. Butterflies are a good example for

  communicating information about

  conservation issues because they

  (A) are simple in structure

  (B) are viewed positively by people

  (C) have been given scientific names

  (D) are found mainly in temperate


  24. The word "striking" in line 7 is closest in

  meaning to

  (A) physical

  (B) confusing

  (C) noticeable

  (D) successful

  25. The word "exceed" in line 10 is closest

  in meaning to

  (A) locate

  (B) allow

  (C) go beyond

  (D) come close to

  26. All of the following are mentioned as

  being important parts of a general theory

  of diversity EXCEPT

  (A) differences between temperate and

  tropical zones

  (B) patterns of distribution of species in

  each region

  (C) migration among temperate and

  tropical zones

  (D) variation of patterns of distribution

  of species among different animals

  and plants

  27. The author mentions tropical Asia in

  lines 17-18 as an example of a location


  (A) butterfly behavior varies with


  (B) a general theory of butterfly

  diversity has not yet been firmly


  (C) butterflies are affected by human


  (D) documenting plant species is more

  difficult than documenting butterfly


  28. Which of the following is NOT well

  understood by biologists?

  (A) European butterfly habitats

  (B) Differences in species richness

  between temperate and tropical


  (C) Differences in species richness

  within a temperate or a tropical


  (D) Comparisons of behavior patterns of

  butterflies and certain animal groups

  29. The word "generated" in line 25 is

  closest in meaning to

  (A) requested

  (B) caused

  (C) assisted

  (D) estimated

  Questions 30-40

  According to anthropologists, people in preindustrial societies spent 3 to 4 hours per day or about 20 hours per week doing the work necessary for life. Modern comparisons of the amount of work performed per week, however, begin with the Industrial Revolution

  Line (1760-1840) when 10- to 12-hour workdays with six workdays per week were the norm.

  (5) Even with extensive time devoted to work, however, both incomes and standards of living were low. As incomes rose near the end of the Industrial Revolution, it became increasingly common to treat Saturday afternoons as a half-day holiday. The half holiday had become standard practice in Britain by the 1870's, but did not become common in the United States until the 1920's.

  (10) In the United States, the first third of the twentieth century saw the workweek move

  from 60 hours per week to just under 50 hours by the start of the 1930' s. In 1914 Henry Ford reduced daily work hours at his automobile plants from 9 to 8. In 1926 he announced that henceforth his factories would close for the entire day on Saturday. At the time, Ford received criticism from other firms such as United States Steel and Westinghouse, but the

  (15) idea was popular with workers.

  The Depression years of the 1930's brought with them the notion of job sharing to spread available work around; the workweek dropped to a modem low for the United States of 35 hours. In 1938 the Fair Labor Standards Act mandated a weekly maximum of 40 hours to begin in 1940, and since that time the 8-hour day, 5-day workweek has been the standard in

  (20) the United States. Adjustments in various places, however, show that this standard is not

  immutable. In 1987, for example, German metalworkers struck for and received a 37.5-hour workweek; and in 1990 many workers in Britain won a 37-hour week. Since 1989, the Japanese government has moved from a 6- to a 5-day workweek and has set a national target of 1,800 work hours per year for the average worker. The average amount of work

  (25) per year in Japan in 1989 was 2,088 hours per worker, compared to 1,957 for the United States and 1,646 for France.

  30. What does the passage mainly discuss?

  (A) Why people in preindustrial

  societies worked few hours per week

  (B) Changes that have occurred in the number of hours that people work per week

  (C) A comparison of the number of hours worked per year in several industries

  (D) Working conditions during the

  Industrial Revolution

  31. Compared to preiudustrial times, the

  number of hours in the workweek in the nineteenth century

  (A) remained constant

  (B) decreased slightly

  (C) decreased significantly

  (D) increased significantly

  32. The word "norm" in line 4 is closest in meaning to

  (A) minimum.

  (B) example

  (C) possibility

  (D) standard

  33. The word "henceforth" in line 13 is closest in meaning to

  (A) in the end

  (B) for a brief period

  (C) from that time on

  (D) on occasion

  34. The "idea" mentioned in line 15 refers to

  (A) the 60-hour workweek

  (B) the reduction in the cost of


  (C) the reduction in the workweek at

  some automobile factories

  (D) the criticism of Ford by United States Steel and Westinghouse

  35. What is one reason for the change in the

  length of the workweek for the average

  worker in the United States during the


  (A) Several people sometimes shared a

  single job.

  (B) Labor strikes in several countries

  influenced labor policy in the

  United States.

  (C) Several corporations increased the

  length of the workweek.

  (D) The United States government

  instituted a 35-hour workweek.

  36. Which of the following is mentioned as

  one of the purposes of the Fair Labor

  Standards Act of 1938 ?

  (A) To discourage workers from asking

  fof increased wages

  (B) To establish a limit on the number of

  hours in the workweek

  (C) To allow employers to set the length

  of the workweek for their workers

  (D) To restrict trade with countries that

  had a long workweek

  37. The word "mandated" in line 18 is

  closest in meaning to

  (A) required

  (B) recommended

  (C) eliminated

  (D) considered

  38. The word "immutable" in line 21 is

  closest in meaning to

  (A) unmatched

  (B) irregular

  (C) unnecessary

  (D) unchangeable

  39. Which of the following is NOT

  mentioned as evidence that the length of

  the workweek has been declining since

  the nineteenth century?

  (A) The half-day holiday (line 7)

  (B) Henry Ford (lines 11-12)

  (C) United States Steel and

  Westinghouse (line 14)

  (D) German metalworkers (line 21)

  40. According to the passage, one goal of the

  Japanese government is to reduce the

  average annual amount of work to

  (A) 1,646 hours

  (B) 1,800 hours

  (C) 1,957 hours

  (D) 2,088 hours

  Questions 41-50

  The Arts and Crafts Movement in the United States was responsible for sweeping changes in attitudes toward the decorative arts, then considered the minor or household arts. Its focus on decorative arts helped to induce United Slates museums and private

  Line collectors to begin collecting furniture, glass, ceramics, metalwork, and textiles in the

  (5) late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The fact that artisans, who were looked on as mechanics or skilled workers in the eighteenth century, are frequently considered artists today is directly attributable to the Arts and Crafts Movement of the nineteenth century. The importance now placed on attractive and harmonious home decoration can also be traced to this period, when Victorian interior arrangements were revised to

  (10) admit greater light and more freely flowing spaces.

  The Arts and Crafts Movement reacted against mechanized processes that threatened handcrafts and resulted in cheapened, monotonous merchandise. Founded in the late nineteenth century by British social critics John Ruskin and William Morris, the movement revered craft as a form of art. In a rapidly industrializing society, most

  (15) Victorians agreed that art was an essential moral ingredient in the home environment, and in many middle- and working-class homes craft was the only form of art, Ruskin and his followers criticized not only the degradation of artisans reduced to machine operators, but also the impending loss of daily contact with handcrafted objects, fashioned with pride, integrity, and attention to beauty.

  (20) In the United States as well as in Great Britain, reformers extolled the virtues of

  handcrafted objects: simple, straightforward design; solid materials of good quality; and sound, enduring construction techniques. These criteria were interpreted in a variety of styles, ranging from rational and geometric to romantic or naturalistic. Whether abstract, stylized, or realistically treated, the consistent theme in virtually all Arts and Crafts

  (25) design is nature.

  The Arts and Crafts Movement was much more than a particular style; it was a philosophy of domestic life. Proponents believed that if simple design, high-quality materials, and honest construction were realized in the home and its appointments, then the occupants would enjoy moral and therapeutic effects. For both artisan and consumer,

  (30) the Arts and Crafts doctrine was seen as a magical force against the undesirable effects of industrialization.

  41. The passage primarily focuses on nineteenth-century arts and crafts in terms of which of the following?

  (A) Their naturalistic themes

  (B) Their importance in museum


  (C) Their British origin

  (D) Their role in an industrialized


  42. According to the passage, before the nineteenth century, artisans were thought to be

  (A) defenders of moral standards

  (B) creators of cheap merchandise

  (C) skilled workers

  (D) artists

  43. It can be inferred from the passage that

  the Arts and Crafts Movement would

  have considered ail of the following to

  be artists EXCEPT

  (A) creators of textile designs

  (B) people who produce handmade glass


  (C) operators of machines that

  automatically cut legs, for furniture

  (D) metalworkers who create unique

  pieces of jewelry

  44. The word "revered" in line 14 is closest

  in meaning to

  (A) respected

  (B) described

  (C) avoided

  (D) created

  45. According to paragraph 2, the

  handcrafted objects in the homes of

  middle- and working-class families

  usually were

  (A) made by members of the family

  (B) the least expensive objects in their


  (C) regarded as being morally uplifting

  (D) thought to symbolize progress

  46. The word "extolled" in line 20 is closest

  in meaning to

  (A) exposed

  (B) praised

  (C) believed

  (D) accepted

  47. The author mentions all of the following

  as attributes of handcrafted objects


  (A) the pride with which they were


  (B) the complexity of their design

  (C) the long time that they lasted

  (D) the quality of their materials

  48. The word "consistent" in line 24 is

  closest in meaning to

  (A) conservative

  (B) considerable

  (C) constant

  (D) concrete

  49. According to the passage, which of the

  following changes occurred at the same

  time as the Arts and Crafts Movement?

  (A) The creation of brighter and more

  airy spaces inside homes

  (B) The rejection of art that depicted

  nature in a realistic manner

  (C) A decline of interest in art museum


  (D) An increase in the buying of

  imported art objects

  50. Which of the following statements is

  supported by the passage?

  (A) Private collectors in the nineteenth

  century concentrated on acquiring


  (B) The Arts and Crafts Movement in

  the United States, unlike the one in

  Britain, did not react strongly

  against mechanized processes.

  (C) Handcrafted objects in the United

  States and Britain in the nineteenth

  century did not use geometric


  (D) The Arts and Crafts Movement

  believed in the beneficial effect for

  people from being surrounded by

  beautiful objects.


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